About Us

Tidal Creek is more than just another church. Our vision is to be “an Oasis of Grace in a world filled with judgement.” There are three things you will hear us talk about constantly, Grow in Christ, Gather in Community, and Go in Service. We believe all of these things come together in a proper expression of church. The church is not simply a building or something you go do. Church is a group of people growing in faith, experiencing life, and helping those around them. We’d love to have you join us as we navigate life together.

Photo of a Bible with the words "You are Loved"

Who We Are

Tidal Creek Church is a proud member of the North Carolina East District of the Wesleyan Church.

We hold to the statements of faith of The Wesleyan Church and its North Carolina East District. For more information simply click the links provided.

The Wesleyan Church

North Carolina East District

Join us today.