What We Believe.
Tidal Creek Church is a Bible-believing congregation and is affiliated with the Wesleyan Church.
At Tidal Creek Church we believe:
In one Creator God, who reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
In the deity of Jesus Christ - born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross as payment for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day before ascending into heaven to intercedes for us until His second coming.
That the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and relevant Word of God.
That all people have sinned and need God’s grace and forgiveness which is abundantly available through Jesus’ death on the Cross.
That as Christians we need to offer our whole lives to God so that he might cleanse our hearts from the attitude of Sin (the Biblical word for this is sanctification). When we surrender ourselves to God completely, His Spirit can fully mold us into Christ-likeness; His perfect love is reflected in our attitudes and actions; and God empowers us to live more abundantly.
God draws us to Himself but the decision to respond is ours.
That an individual must repent from sin and trust Christ to receive forgiveness from sin and eternal life.
That the Church is the Body of Christ, carrying on His purposes in the world.
That God can bring healing.
Jesus Christ is returning one day to judge both the living and the dead and to usher in the fullness of God's kingdom on earth.
We practice the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Additional information and scriptural support can be found here: Articles of Religion
Core Values
Jesus Over Everything- We want to follow Jesus in everything we do and say. There no one and nothing that is more important to Tidal Creek Church than Jesus. He sets the path and we follow Him whether its the way we’d like to do it or not.
Aggressive Faith- We want to be aggressive in following Jesus. There is often a line between taking a step of faith and acting in stupidity. We want to get as close as we can to that line without crossing it.
Transparent Authenticity- The church should be the safest place to bring your difficulties, circumstances, questions, and anything else, but sadly it often isn’t. We want to be a community that is honest, transparent, and vulnerable with each other so that everyone can feel safe coming no matter what may be going on in their lives.
Generous Living- We never want to be distracted by what we don’t have or what we could do if we just had a little more. Instead, we aim to live generously with what god has given us. One of the way we do this is by allocating at least 10% of everything that comes in to our “Here, There, and Everywhere Fund” which is used to support kingdom minded people and organizations which are already working to spread the Gospel in our community and around the world.
Everyone’s Welcome- Often times the biggest factor that keeps people from coming to church is whether or not they belong or will be accepted. We want to take those fears away by encouraging you to ask yourself a different question, “Am I a person who has been created by God?” We’ll even give you the answer, “Yes you are!” Which means you have a place and belong at Tidal Creek!
Biblical Guidance- We stand on the truth of God’s Word. We can’t ignore the parts we don’t like or that make us uncomfortable. We try to look at the teaching of Scripture as a whole on each topic and embrace what we find no matter what. We will use Scripture as our guide in every area of life and we won’t compromise the truth.
Jesus Over Everything- No this isn’t a typo, this one is supposed to be here twice. Despite our best efforts, when we get moving and going we can sometimes lose sight of Jesus and drift from the path He has set for us. That’s why for everything we do we both start and end with Jesus to ensure we didn’t drift and lose Him through the planning process. If we are separated from Jesus we have nothing so we need to be sure we are staying connected to Him.